Geometry and Foliations 2013
September 9-14, 2013
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Tokyo
Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo, 153-8914, Japan


This announcement is a supplementary one to the second, and contains information on

(A) Registration
(B) Abstract preparation (for applicants of talks/posters)
(C) Accommodations


We would like to ask that those who have already sent us registration forms or/and applications for talks kindly re-register and re-apply via registration form (details can be found below). We are sorry for inconvenience.

(A) Registration

The registration form is now available at

We strongly recommend the participants to register by using the form. In case you have serious trouble with the GF2013 registration web page, fill the registration form at

and send it to

with Subject: registration by email.

If you cannot access the above .txt file, please contact to

GF2013 Secretary
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Tokyo
Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8914 JAPAN

(B) Abstract preparation

We will call applications for contributed talks and presentations in poster sessions. Application can be done at our GF2013 registration page

Deadline of application is:

Friday, May 31, 2013.

Application should be accompanied with an abstract as well as other required information. The abstract should be in 2-4 pages of A4 paper in length. A style file (for LaTeX) is available from

The file contains two files `gf2013abstract.cls' and `gf2013abstract_sample.tex'. By extracting, you fill find them, or a folder which contains them. If you find difficulties in extraction, you can download them from

If you find further difficulties in obtaining them, or if you have any questions on the usage of these files, please contact to
with subject: inquiry on the class file


we asked in the second announcement to send only a dvi or pdf file. However, we decided to ask you to send the source file, and files for figures (if applicable) in order that we can process your tex source file.

(C) Accommodations

You can now find information on accommodations at

Please help yourself to find a hotel. Information on travel will be provided later.

(PDF file version of this Third Announcement is here.)